Taking pictures of each meal got a little old, so I stopped yesterday. I didn't stop eating (mostly) Paleo though.
Saturday morning I made an egg scramble with onions, mushrooms, and the jalapeno habanero sausage. And finished off the OJ. :( I went to my first Crossfit session that morning and came home and had an orange and a handful of nuts. A little later I made myself a salad with the leftover taco meat and the gross guacamole, thinking it would be disguised in a salad. Not so much. Picked out the meat mostly. It was such an amazing day (70s in SF in February!), I ditched the cleaning and work I had planned for a day in GGP with my love. We split a bottle of wine my aunts sent me for my birthday and snacked on broccoli, celery, carrots and fresh guac. We had dinner at a pub where I had a burger with bacon (sans bun) and a side salad. And another glass of wine. We ended up an hour early for our movie, so we ducked into the Wine Jar where I had a taste flight of three chards. I then promptly fell asleep for half of The King's Speech. Nothing to do with the movie, everything to do with the 4.5 glasses of wine I drank, mostly in the sun. So while not 100% Paleo, still had no gluten and no dairy.
Today, after fitful sleep and vowing to never drink 4.5 glasses of wine again, we tried a small diner for breakfast. I had a meat lover's omelet, with eggs, bacon, sausage, ham and a little bit of cheddar. It was good and very filling, perfect for my second Crossfit session. I am so tired after that session, that I've barely been able to manage an orange and a hard boiled egg. My body is soooo tired. I get two days off before my next session on Wednesday morning. Then I graduate to the real classes! Tonight for dinner I'm making Thai red curry, using a variation of this recipe. I'll either go without rice or try to mix in an extra veggie and create cauliflower rice.
Not a perfect weekend (Paleo-wise, it's been an awesome, relaxing, wonderful weekend life-wise), but certainly better than any weekend in the past and, besides the wine and little bit of cheese this morning, 100% Paleo. I found I didn't even really want a taste of G's french fries last night at dinner or potatoes this morning at breakfast. I know they will tasted good but make my stomach grumble all day. Not worth it.
Back to napping I go... the closet clean out is being postponed one more weekend I guess.
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