Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chronicle Wine Festival

The San Francisco Chronicle hosts a wine competition each year and follows it with a tasting event a few weeks later where wineries can show off any awards they may have won. I've gone three of the four years I've lived in the city, this year being the third. Julie, Jamie, Vanessa and I enjoyed an afternoon of wine, baguette, and little cheeses and chocolates. (J, V, and I started the day with a killer 12 mile run through the Presidio so we could enjoy the snacks guilt-free all afternoon.) We also learned a few things: Target box wine is not so bad (though we did try it 10 minutes before the event closed, so perhaps our judgement is not to be trusted) and Livermore has wine tasting right off the BART line. It was a great time and an excellent way to enjoy the last day before my dry month (New Year's goal) started.

Me, Vanessa, Julie

FYI - Vanessa does indeed have two legs, unlike the picture above would lead you to believe.

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