Monday, February 7, 2011


Today is my first day trying out the Paleo diet lifestyle. Clearly diets and I don't work, I've only tried ten or so in the last year. I haven't read the book yet (ordered it today and broke my no spending money on books in 2011 rule - at least I bought the ebook version), but I've been reading tons of blogs and other internet sites and and I like what I've read so far. I don't know all the rules quite yet (thanks for all the text responses, Mom!), but I'm getting started. I had an bit of an incident today that finally pushed me to try something new and healthy. To keep me going I'm going to try and snap a picture of each meal over the next seven days. My goal is to not cheat (as best I know the rules) at all for the first seven days.

I kicked off with dinner tonight. I made Turkey Tacos, from my new favorite blog, including the homemade guacamole and taco mix from scratch. I bought all fresh ingredients and it tasted amazing. Not pictured is the rest of the romaine head that I chopped into a salad and ate with half a tomato and a salsa/lemon juice dressing. I also had a glass of OJ before my mom texted back saying I should stay away from it at the beginning due to the high sugar content. Better get back to reading my book...

Crappy pictures, but I'm too cheap to upgrade to the iPhone 4 for now. 
The first casualty of the Paleo diet was not my waistline or the constant thirst I've had the last few weeks. Instead it was my favorite (and not cheap!) knife. It has been a rough, rough Monday. 

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